I didn't think that I had much time to knit but then I realised that I had completed not one but two sweaters...large sweaters.
There is one more button to be sewn onto it. I forgot that I had knit 7 buttonholes instead of 6, went back to Make 1, bought another button and then put it someplace safe. I will find it eventually.
I have two sweaters to wear now that the weather has turned cooler . It's almost as if I had planned for things to turn out this way.
I didn't. I started both sweaters with the idea that I would finish them eventually....next year even. I'm glad my plan was altered.
We had a wedding. Some elements were traditional,
Last Thursday, I decided that I needed to knit a sweater for my Muffin, and bought the yarn.
Friday, I borrowed the pattern and people told me I was crazy (big surprise there). Friday night we had the rehearsal dinner at my house.
Saturday was the wedding. I thought about taking my knitting but realised that it would not be a good idea.
Sunday morning we had a brunch at the house and said goodbye to the out-of-town rellies.
Sunday night. I finally got to start the sweater.
Monday. Stupid cell phones gave up the ghost and we spent valuable knitting time sitting in the Telus store.
Tuesday morning.
Both turned out beautiful:)
Is the top down swing from Pure and Simple? Love how it turn out.
Yes, yes, yes you did complain bitterly when you were close to the end - but what are friends for if not to listen to said complaining!!
Haha, love the zombie bridegroom! And that little sweater is so cute; I can't believe you finished it so quickly!
You are a knitting machine!! ;-)
Love the sweaters and the baby is so cute.
I miss you!!
a lot
and I love that baby
come over and have a coffee with me
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