Friday, September 18, 2009

Fighting my way out of a Knitting Black Hole

We've all run into it at one time or another, the knitting project that seems like it will never end. I am working on not one, but two black hole projects.

This is a top down sweater in which the number of stitches increased every sixth row.

I knit. I measured. I knit and knit and knit. When I measured the length again, it was still the same length. I had started new balls of yarn and increased the number of stitches, but the length still seemed to not be growing.

I had to resort to putting a pin in on Tuesday morning. By the end of the day, I had proof that I had accomplished something.

Another pin was attached to my knitting on Wednesday morning. I could see progress and was motivated to continue.

I followed the advice of my knitting buddies and knit longer than the pattern said to. It was good advice.

Around the same time that the Swing Coat was started, I fell victim to peer pressure and started Camelot. I thought it was a good idea.
I didn't realise how big this sweater was.

There is a ton of Stocking stitch in this sweater and a shitload of seaming.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and am pretty sure that by the time the weather turns cold, I will have two spiffy new sweaters to keep the chill out.

And if mine looks as good as this one does when it's finished, I won't care if I'm warm.

1 comment:

Gingersnaps with Tea... said...

Love that picture of Annie! At least you are a fast knitter. I'm still on the first back panel. It's a black, black hole indeed...