Friday, October 30, 2009

Destined to fail?

More Math?

It Ain't gonna happin! All possible titles for this post.

We headed up to Edmonton on Wednesday. I was sure that I was going to have 2 and half hours uninterrupted knitting time on the way there and then again on Thursday. We were heading up to visit a relative in the hospital and since they only allowed two visitors at a time, I would have more knitting time in the waiting room. There would be nothing to prevent me from finishing Dracula's Bride.

As we drove past Balzac, I pulled out my knitting to discover that I had left the pattern at home. I knew exactly where it was. Mr. B asked if I wanted to go home to get the pattern but I realised that I didn't want to add an hour onto the total driving time.
I was disappointed but I since there were only seven rows, I was pretty sure I could finish them when I got home.

Last night three more rows were done and I woke up early this morning to finish the last four rows. It was still doable. Finish knitting before 9, wash and block it and it would be ready to wear to Make 1's Halloween party at 5.

There was this little doubt that kept bothering me. The pattern had no instructions for the final edge. I had printed the original pattern fours year earlier and there were comments on the Yahoo group that the last clue was just blocking instructions. I still didn't feel comfortable. I downloaded the pattern and my worst fears were realised. There was another whole chart that I had been missing. 28 more rows. 17948 more stitches.

I may come up with some crazy ideas, but I do know when to admit defeat.

And what did I do while on my way up to Edmonton? Started a new sock of course. I thought I was packing too many projects for a quick trip, but it pays to have multiple projects around at all times.

edited to correct the math...again.


Donna Jensen said...

did you find the final part of your pattern? If not I have this pattern.

Shell said...

I hope it turned out well.