Last night I finished knitting my upside down Baudelaires. No, you are not imagining things. They are two different colours. No, I did not choose to step outside the box and knit out of two different colours of yarn.
The sock on the left was my airplane knitting last October. When I returned home and was throwing the laundry in the machine, the sock was accidentally added to the washer and the dryer. I noticed immediately that the yarn had become slightly fuzzy and that the sock had shrunk slightly...still a wearable sock. I threw it in my knitting basket to rest for awhile.
Five months later, I was ready to start the second sock. Once again, I had no written notes for the first sock and I had changed the original pattern.
I pulled the sock out. The colour was so different, I actually went through the stash to see if I had pulled the correct yarn. I had.
Perhaps I should have taken this experience as one of life's little lessons. I could have kept the one sock as a constant reminder of the care needed in washing hand knit socks. I could have turned it into a very nice sock puppet. I could have finally decided that my socks don't have to match. (Come on, let's not get too ridiculous).
No, I have taken a chance. Not quite as drastic as Sky diving or bungee jumping, but considering the valuable nature of time spent on knitting projects, it was still a risky proposition.
I knit the sock.
I'm now off to do battle with the washing machine. With luck, I will be able to recreate the conditions in which the first sock was washed.
They look awesome! I hope the washing machine thing works. If not, though, they're really not that different... just slightly different moods of blue - you could totally pull that off, even if you can't wear different coloured socks. ;)
great sock knitting even while you are sick. hope you are feeling much better than last week.
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