We're back from a busy 12 days in B'ville. We had received word that the weather in Calgary was, to say the least, crappy. Just to make everyone feel better, I'm posting a picture of the snow that fell on Saturday. Now you might think that this isn't alot of snow but in Southern US, this is enough to call a "Snow Day". K and I went to the local mall and it was empty. The day before, there were lineups at Walmart as everyone tried to stock up for the blizzard. There was a constant warning scrolling on the bottom of the TV screen on Friday and Saturday night. This was the heaviest snowfall that fell all winter.
It was all made much worst because a week earlier I had been sitting in the sun, listening to the birds, enjoying the spring flowers in the parks.
We had a busy vacation. We spent lots of time playing with the kids.
K and I got dressed up and took Paige out for her first party.
Paige loves to cuddle and have someone talk to her. I've heard the you can't spoil a baby by holding her too much. We did our best.
"Gumpa" got to paint pictures, play "hockey", watch "Rats" (Ratatouille) and "Buzz" (Toy Story) and even got to play a couple of rounds of golf.
What did we do while we were gone? Not much. One quick trip into Tulsa. One quick trip to the mall. Three walks in the nearby park. Lots and Lots of hugs and stories and giggles. The time flew by.
The house is very quiet.
if home is where your heart is.. then i guess you've driven away from home. i'm sad about that.. but selfishly happy that you're back in town.
those are two beautiful children, that is a fact.
AWWW....Miss you and Dad. Stay tuned for more pictures, talk to you soon.
Love K
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