When you spend alot of time in one place, you get used to certain everyday essentials that you believe you will always have access to. It isn't until you move to a foreign country that you realise that certain items are a little harder to find.
Many people believe that Canada and The United States of American are identical, and that anything we can find here can be found in the states. Not True. USA is a foreign country that doesn't have all the essentials.
As I started to pack my suitcase for a trip down south, I realised very quickly that I would have to take the "Big" suitcase.
I had knitting to bring.
And more knitting to bring.
I had been sent a shopping listof essentials. Sunny Boy and Gripe water are purely Canadian. The Small Planet cleanser is made in Calgary.
If you haven't tried Sobey's Raspberry Lime with Vodka drizzler, you really should. Great on icecream or plain cheesecake and worth every bit of room that it takes up in the suitcase.
Vegeta is a soup base that is imported from Croatia and a key ingredient is a certain soup I'm hoping to taste while we are visiting.
There are also a few things in the suitcase that weren't on the list but Cheezies and Smarties are too Canadian to be left behind.
There is going to be very little room in my suitcase for clothes and knitting but I'm not worried since I will have an empty suitcase for the trip home. I'm sure I can find a little bit of time to go shopping to fill it from the other side.
Edited: I need a bigger suitcase.
is there a baby yet?
You are so sweet to make up a care package.
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