Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring was here on Saturday

To celebrate, Spinknit and I went to a sheep shearing.

We saw the cutest little lambs.

We met Rolf, who really thinks he`s a dog and loves to have his chin scratched.

And we bought fleece. We went vowing to keep each other on the straight and narrow path and not buy any fleece. I was done in by a beautiful gray cotswold fleece. It`s in the garage right now calling my name. It wants to be washed so I can see what it really looks like. And then it will probably be yelling at me until I spin and dye it.

These are my new rubber boots that I bought specifically for the trip out to the farm. They were initiated in the sheep pen. I`m really happy that Doug had the power washer out just as I came home.

1 comment:

Kayla W said...

I LOVE your boots! LOVE LOVE LOVE. Covet times a billion.