file under "What the Hell was I thinking?"
Back in January, The Gillihook Heritage Knitters started a UFO challenge. We listed ten unfinished projects that we wished to complete in the next year. Each month, a number is drawn, and that's the project we are supposed to have finished by the next guild meeting.*
I was optimistic. Okay, maybe I was delusional. I had enough unfinished projects for two lists. I filled one sheet and then I doubled up and put two projects on some lines. I actually thought that I might complete more than one UFO per month. A small amount of sanity came back and I scribbled a line through the second project.**
Project #10 was to be finished by the third Wednesday in May. It's not going to happen.
When pulled my Forest Path Stole out of the closet, I realised that I was only on tier four. There are twenty three tiers in total. After two weeks, I have only completed tier six. In this Entrelac stole, there are 103 lace rectangles. I have completed 27.
It's going back in the closet. I admit defeat.
It is not a total defeat. I did finish the socks that I started years or eight years ago.
I also finished this scarf that I started last October. I had planned to give it as a Christmas gift. Now I have my first gift ready for next Christmas.
I would have taken a picture of my Snowdrop Stole that I finished for the April Guild Meeting and rescued from kidnappers but I can't find it right now. I'm fairly certain it is in my house, somewhere, and since the kidnapper hasn't been here recently, I think it's safe....
Project #10 is not safe. I'm thinking of pulling it off the needles. It's mocking my failure to complete it.
*Finishing the project is not our only reward. When we complete a project, our name is put into a draw for a prize. There is also a grand prize at the end of the year. The more projects we complete, the more chances we have to win. My chances of winning this draw are slightly better than winning the 649, but just slightly.
**How delusional was I? The Unst Bridal Shawl, The Frost Flowers shawl and The Beaded Diamond Shawl were listed as second projects. These are all huge projects. I can't believe that I actually thought I might finish them as well as the first project I had listed.
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