My dilemma - what to pack? What would be the best projects to work on and still enjoy the scenery and conversation. I'm not driving and therefore will be able to knit for 30 solid hours. The possibilities are endless.
My daughter warned me that the in-laws might not appreciate being impaled with a needle if I get frustrated and choose to throw my knitting. Putting beads on lace will not work in the back seat of the truck.
Simpler projects are key.
While it may appear that I am bringing far too many projects, I know that the driver of the truck may be convinced to stop and look at mountains, lakes or historic viewpoints. I can also convince him that we need to stop for food and a bathroom break. I doubt that we will be stopping for a set of dpns in a different size or an extra ball of yarn if I run out.
I need a bigger suitcase.
1. You can never have too many projects for a road trip.
2. I struggled with the "what to bring" question, too, b/c I did a lot of traveling this summer.
My experience was simpler is always better. People in cars like to have conversations with you, and there are always neat things to see.
I knit mitred squares en route to Vancouver and it was perfect, mindless but engaging.
Have a safe trip (where are you going?)
xoxo J
what about the barn raising blanket? that would be fun and easy... and boring? no matter what you bring, it won't be enough or exactly right. i think you ought to buy yarn on the way.
i'm wearing a black arm band in your honour. i'll take it off when you come back. ;)
have fun... threaten the driver with his very LIFE if he doesn't take care of you.
Socks. Bring plenty of socks. I find that when driving, lace is out because the bumps have made me drop some major stitchage. So...socks. :) Enjoy your trip!!
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