Friday, December 04, 2009

Dear Hubby:

You haven't dropped any hints for Christmas. Wandering through the malls looking for the perfect gift without any guidelines is seriously cutting into my knitting time. I have socks to knit before December 25 and I am starting to panic.

So to preserve the last bit of sanity, I have come to the conclusion that you would like a new knitting bag wrapped up under the tree. And that you would not complain at all, if that bag was filled with and cashmere.

I have also come to realise that the only thing that you hate more than shopping is returning gifts so your Christmas gift might just land in my sewing room. So, because I am a thoughtful loving wife, I will make sure that I pick colours that I like.

Love, M


Liza said...

Sounds like a reasonable plan to me.

Liza {who's also got socks to knit, but they may end up being *a* sock with an IOU }

Annie said...

man.. you are an thoughtful and awesome wife.

Domie's Mom said...

Nothing says "I love you" like the gift of a happy wife!

Myrna said...

You just solved my own Gift Issues..... I'm going to do the same! :)

Shell said...

Hah! I love it. I may do that for my Father.