Imagine, if you will, a 24 piece band and Dean Martin holding a mug of
"Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go,
Let it Snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!"
I hate winter.
I don't like the cold weather or feeling like a pumpkin when I put on enough layers to keep warm.
I hate being stuck in traffic for three and a half hours when the trip home should only have taken 25 minutes.
I hate the crowded malls and the bozos who don't realise that if traffic rules make sense on the roads, then those same rules are logical when navigating through the mall.
Slower walkers should keep to the right to keep the passing lanes free. Don't come to a dead stop unless you want me to run into your ankles with my shopping cart. Don't stop in the middle of the road to chit chat. Look before you change lanes and SIGNAL!
Rant over.
This miserable cold weather is good for knitting. For several years now, my rule has been that if the thermometer hits -15, it's too cold to go out. There have been many days this past week when I have deemed it too cold and miserable to go out. I have had some good knitting days. I finished Mystic Star.

It's too bad that shawls are easier to wear during warmer weather.
I finished Muffin's sweater for Christmas. I will have to leave the house to go find the perfect button for it.

But at least I will have a hat to wear.

I did go outside this morning to take pictures. I probably should have been wearing something other than my pyjamas if I didn't want the neighbors to think I had lost my mind completely.
Mystic Star - designed by Anna Dalvi
Wollmeise Lace - Pfefferminz Prinz
Little sweet peas -Sirdar #332
Naturally Merino et Soie
Selbu Modern
Claudia Handpaints - Lipstick
and black something