While in Denver we did the Tourist thing and stopped off to see the State Capitol Building. We thought we were going to look at a building and perhaps a few portraits. We were amazed at our luck.
This is all destined to become more lace shawls. Clockwise, Blue zephyr for an Orenburg styl triangle shawl, Fino Alpaca and silk the has started to become the shawl in the new Knitters' (It may not stay as that shawl.) Quiviet, two skeins of merino tencel that is so soft and reflects the light in ways that just demand for it to be knitted and two skeins of a 2/32 wool. The two balls in the center are varigated with some of the most yummy colors. The green goes to blue and back again but you can't really see the colors because of the way it is wound. It needs to be knit to show off the shading.
Of course I couldn't just buy Quiviet, I had to see what it was like to knit with. It isn't as soft as I thought it would be but since I got to look at and molest many samples, I know it will bloom and soften when it is washed.
I didn't just start new projects, I actually finished one too. It will be nice to wear my Spring colored new socks since spring also means we will still have many cool days.
I'm glad to be home but I am looking forward to next year's conference. Now, back to reality!