Searching for the perfect projectI have been ripping out alot of knitting lately...and I mean ALOT. I have been searching for the perfect project and not been succeeding.
I go through my stash and pick the perfect yarn and match it up with the perfect pattern. The next step is to find the perfect needles. They must have a nice point and a smooth join and be the exact right length for the project. Invariably, they are in a WIP and must be rescued from the Bad Knitting Basket.
Once I have all the elements ready, I start knitting.
After I spend one or two afternoons knitting, I realize that once again, I have failed in my quest for the perfect project.

Clapotis was the latest project to earn my disfavor. I love the yarn. Bugga is a wonderful soft yarn and each stitch was a joy to knit.
I was using my favorite ebony needles.
It was the pattern. While I liked the wraps that others had knit, I could not see my self spending another moment on a pattern that I was not enjoying knitting and that would probably not see the light of day once it was finished.
I ripped.
The yarn is now being knit into a
Ruby Red. It appears as though it is close enough to perfection to avoid being ripped.
I am now looking at my Cleopatra shawl. Once again, I love the yarn. I'm having fun knitting all the sparkly little beads into the lace, and even though I wasn't using my favorite needles, they were suitable for the project.
The unique shaping that appealed to me before I started now just looks silly.

I don't need a collar on my shawl. If I really did feel that a collar was necessary, I would knit it so that the right side of the collar was the first thing that was seen, not the wrong side.

It is in the Basket now but it will soon revert back to the skein.
It's been five days since I've ripped anything and the fingers are getting itchy. You might want to keep a tight grip on your knitting.
The lost has been found
Flirty Ruffles is back where it belongs....folded up neatly on the shelf with the rest of the shawls.
Actually, I cannot lie. It was there the whole time, tucked under all the other shawls I wasn't wearing, waiting for me to find it. I don't remember putting it there. and I am sure that I looked on that shelf not once, but three times.
Before you ask, I have taken the