Thursday, November 08, 2007

Tulip Sweater Finished I started this cute little sweater on Wednesday and was finished it by Saturday. What a great pattern and soft squishy yarn! It also helped that Amy and I had an unofficial race. I won!
It was a good thing that I had a couple of productive knitting days because Saturday was the day to help D#2 clean out her room.

There were books! And more books. Notice that there is nothing in these piles of collectibles that resemble clothes. Those are in a different room. I'm amazed that she could ever find her bed !

Back to knitting now! I'm on the second sleeve for my hoodie and the end is in sight!

1 comment:

Annie said...

psssst: i knew you would win. i saw the completed tulip at the store the other day, and it is just so grand. picked up my kit; yayyyyy!