Sew on seven buttons and it's finished! I went to a size larger needle and a size larger on the pattern and I still wish it was a smidgen bigger. This was an easy, quick pattern (Alchemy - The Naturalist). I may have become a convert to top down sweaters. The yarn was a Christmas gift so I had to knit it rather than letting age in the stash. It was a dream to knit, but then , how can you go wrong with Silk Purse (100% silk) and Haiku (40% silk 60% mohair).
I registered for the Northwest Sampler Guild's Seminar to be held in October. A weekend of stitching, listening to lectures on samplers, visiting and seeing the sites of Seattle - can't wait. I hope I enjoy the classes that I picked. I will wonder until I actually get there if I picked the right classes for me.
When I registered for the Mile High Lace Knitting Seminar in Denver, I thought I knew which classes I wanted to take. Fortunately, I was able to change my mind and my registration. I will see in April if I made the right decision.
I guess indecision is all part of being a Libra. Sometimes I wonder how I get anything done. For now, I'll use it a s a good excuse for starting so many projects. After all, I couldn't be expected to just choose one and stick with it until it was done. It might have been the wrong project!
Hmmm, I don't think I'm a good enough lace knitter as of yet to participate in anything as grand these events but one can always hope!! Maybe next year, sigh....
What makes someone "good enough to participate" is a desire to leave town and a willingness to learn from some really good teachers who knit one stitch at a time.
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