Monday, May 18, 2009

"Only in Canada, you Say?"

The May Long weekend is the unofficial start of the Camping season. We decided that even though it was early this year, we would pack everything we needed and escape from the city for the weekend.

We have gone camping during the May Long before so we knew that we had to pack many things. I had shorts and sandals. I had packed rainboots and sweaters. I even had my winter coat and mittens. I thought I was ready for anything.

On Saturday, we drove to the nearby village to get more propane, more beer, and a new ax. (The old one is still in the garage.)

Saturday night, Doug built his fire.

Sunday morning I enjoyed some quiet knitting time in front of my fire.

Sunday afternoon we realised that we forgot the sun screen.

After we listened to the weather forcast, we came back to the city early.

We realised that we had left the snow shovel at home.


Anonymous said...

Nice trailor by the look of the fireplace....... we are holding off on the camping for another couple of weeks. Have had to shovel to many times out there in the woods. Sandi(Evilknittingtwin)

annie said...

i was saying to myself...

self, i said.. is she going to miss the finale???

aunty tink said...

When we first saw the trailer, I thought that a fireplace was an insane idea. It turns out that it is what I like best, especially in the early morning, when no one else is awake.

Finale? Survivor? Can't miss that, even if I have to watch it on tape, 12 hours later!