In March, I received the kit for this small shawl. DD2 immediately grabbed it and requested that I make it for her.
Now when I say requested, I really mean that the nagging was about to start. All summer long and into the fall I heard about how pretty the shawl was. Did I know that blue was her favorite color? Did I know that "Little Women" is one of her favorite books? Once November arrived, this shawl was at the top of the list.
I knew I would be knitting it for Christmas but I had to have a plan. I could knit it while DD2 was at school but she's very suspicious. I wanted to keep the surprise from being spoiled.
I also knew that there were other people in Calgary who had received the same kit. I had my plan. I borrowed the yarn from my friend and then left it in a very prominent spot in the family room. I had the shawl done and wrapped and still she had no clue.
I started "Babette" and was greeted with a morose "What's that?" Obviously not knitting her her shawl, I answered " A new project."
I knew the deception was working when I was told that since I wouldn't have time to knit it before Christmas, I could just wrap up the pattern and yarn.