Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I Should Have Known

My SIL came for a visit. I needed to start a pair of Roundy-Rounds. My lace shawl was too involved for the Thursday Knit night and even though my SIL is a knitter, she has never tackled socks. I thought I had the perfect solution. I would knit her a pair of socks.

I asked her what her favorite colour was. Pink.

That was a good color for socks. But then, I had a momentary lapse of judgment. I told her that she should pick the color that she wanted. I opened the door to my yarn room and told her to pick whatever she liked.

Surrounded by yarn in almost every colour of the rainbow, She found it.

Yes, I had a skein of purple yarn. Not just any shade of purple but the one I most often refer to as "Mother-of-the-Groom " purple.*

It has been tough knitting these socks. Not only have I been knitting with a colour I don't like, I have had to answer numerous questions.

No, I am not going over to the evil purple side. I do not like purple.* The yarn came in a sock club. I did not willingly buy it.

I started another pair of socks. This yarn also came in a sock club.

I can't decide if I kind of like the mix of colours or if it is the ugliest yarn I have seen in a year. Yes, there is purple in the mix.

I decided to knit it because sometimes it's better of get rid of the yarn you don't like instead of letting it take up room on the shelf.

*My SIL wore black to her son's wedding. The dress she wore to her daughter's wedding was the same colour as the socks.

**I've decided that my dislike for purple is hereditary. My Dad absolutely hated purple. The only time that I ever saw my Mom wear a purple dress was to my brother's wedding.

1 comment:

  1. I would vote for the ugliest yarn because it looks like it also has pink and yellow in it.
