My wallet went on a road trip. I didn't plan for it to take a vacation and I certainly didn't plan to be without my driver's licence, debit card or various charge cards for the week. My plans for the week had included buying groceries and stopping off at the farmer's market. My plans had to change. And with no groceries, I couldn't possibly be expected to cook anything.
I had a new plan. I had no choice but to cozy up in my favorite chair and spend the week knitting. I finished the Baby Cable shawl. The pattern got a little boring but the yarn was marvelous to knit. 70% bamboo, 15 % bison and 15% silk. It is so soft and the drape from the bamboo is glorious.
This sweater also was cast off....sort of. My original plan was to knit Ruby Red from Knitty, fall 2009. I knit the body and then realised that I wouldn't be happy with it. I changed the sleeves, and the neck, and the front edging. I'm still not happy with the front edging and I have to figure out a closure for it but it needs some rest time first.
Three skeins of Katydid "Bugga" were wonderful to knit with but caused some of the problems. I'm left with maybe 25 yards and I don't think that there is enough to knit the edging that I'm thinking of. There is also more negative ease than I like. I hoping that blocking will help it.
But, I did finish two projects, plus I lengthened the sleeves on P's sweater so I felt perfectly justified in starting some new projects.
This is "Maia" in Wollmeise Pinie. The beads are too small for the yarn and a struggle to put in so while I like the effect, it may hit the frog pond.
I think this yarn really wants to become socks.
"Electra" in Malibrigo sock is also destined for frogging. The beads don't show up and the yarn is pooling. Part of me say to knit it for awhile longer and allow the pooling to shift but the logical part of me says "RIP".
I realise that as I knit things, they don't always turn out the way they were planned. There is a greater possibility of success if I follow the pattern exactly and use the same yarn and color as the original project. That philosophy works if the project is the ultimate goal.
Sometimes the process of discovery is part of the enjoyment of knitting. Experimenting with different colors and beads and stitches may take more time and involve more ripping but it also leads to a greater sense of accomplishment with the project.
Today is going to be busy. My wallet comes home today and I can't postpone the errands any longer. But I also have some new shawls to cast on.
What a very pretty shawl. Where did the "baby cable shawl" pattern come from? It looks lovely!
I got the pattern in a kit but it has since been republished by Louet.
I love that knitting (unlike life) can turn out exactly the way you want it to.
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