For a long time...not months but years, I have wanted to reorganise and make my sewing room a usable room rather than a giant walk-in closet. It has always been the room where we dumped the stuff that didn't have a home. There was a pathway to the ironing board but other than ironing, it was a room I and everyone else avoided.
I knew this was a massive job which was why I procrastinated. I also was afraid that as soon as I got rid of stuff, I would want it and not be able to find the discontinued patterns, antique buttons, perfect piece of fabric, etc.
After a brief discussion with Doug in which I demonstrated the instability of the current shelves, he agreed that changes needed to be made. I'm not sure if he realised that he was also agreeing to painting.
Early in January, I started. Trip after trip down the stairs I emptied out the shelves. After a full day, the room was empty.
My living room looked like this.
There were many trips up the stairs with armloads of books. I sorted and filled boxes for charities. I filled bags for the garbage collectors. I had second thoughts and pulled stuff out of the boxes. I filled more boxes. I had more second thoughts and pulled stuff out of the closet and threw it into the charity boxes. I filled more garbage bags. Many more trips up to put threads and yarn in the shelves.
I finally found room for everything I decided to keep. Some things are left on shelves for everyone to see.
Today I hung some of the pictures. There are still some changes that I want to make but for now, I'm done.
Oh yeah, How long did it take before I was looking for something only to discover that it was gone, never to be seen again? Less than a week.
Looks good! Very inspiring, well except for that last sentence. It strikes fear into the heart of a dedicated pack-rat.
Liza {who must be dedicated, she works so hard at it ;-) }
Nice work...even not being able to find something after disposing of it a few weeks prior...happens to me every week.....
you are my hero. phew.. good work.
What a fabulous room. I love it.
Now to just keep it that way... :)
The room is awesome. Where do I apply for a library card?
Wow, that looks amazing. I need to do something similar with my sewing room.
Oh, Marilyn, you fool! You KNEW you were going to look for that thing, so why did you get rid of it?! That is one thing that I will never do-- get rid of anything ever! But it was a nice thought, though, to be so well organized.
Say -- is Doug going to be busy for the next few weeks? I might need his help -- um, with something.
Oooooo! Lovely! I wish my room could look like that. Perhaps I should enlist my husband? Something tells me that we'd start, but then never finish.
Hey! You can come fix my room the way everyone gets you to fix their lace! ;)
The shawl is called "Oyster Bay" from - enjoy!
Oh, that is so amazing. It's either going to inspire me or make me wallow in guilt. ;o)
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