Calgary is a Hockey town and my family loves the game. While I know who Iggy and Kipper are, I have never been interested in the latest score, trade, or playoff position. I have been invited to attend several if not most of the games, but have maintained that if I couldn't take my knitting, I would rather stay home. My knitting has always been banned from the games with the threat that it would be thrown on the ice if I dared to be so sacrilegious as to knit in the great dome in the shape of a Saddle.
Saturday night - The Flames against the Ducks - I went to the game and the knitting came out! Granted, this picture was taken between the first two periods and those are little guys on the ice, but I knit all throughout the third period.
I do believe that the Flames played their best hockey during the third period and my knitting was probably the reason they won the game!