FINISHED PROJECTSI love this sweater pattern. It was such a fast knit. The hardest thing about finishing it was finding the perfect buttons. I'm still not sure that these truck buttons are right for the sweater but they will stay....for now. It's also my first finished Christmas present. Hooray!

My socks for the Gillihook Heritage Knitting Guild Sock exchange are complete. I knit one extra pattern round for the cuff and then worried all the way through the foot that I would have enough yarn to complete them. Fortunately I did and have since started on my second pair using the same pattern. I'm in love with the Monkey!
I am one of the 6689 We are knitting the Mystery Stole 3. I am working on clue #2 and I will be finished it before the next clue gets posted on Friday. I almost wish I had all the clues so I could continue on with it and not have to wait for each one. Sanity does return and I remember that since I'm also working on socks for Sockapalooza4, it's a good thing I can't get all the clues. It's an easy knit but I don't seem to have much knitting time lately. Maybe that's because I spend too much time planning my next project!

I also found out that my Hanging Vine Stole and ABC blanket won ribbons at the Creative Living displays down at the Calgary Stampede. D#2 took pictures for me but once again the computer is not cooperating. If you are down at the grounds, check out the displays of needlework, knitting, quilting etc. I usually go down on Sneak-a-peak night just to check out the displays but didn't make it this year. Pictures will be on a later post.
Congrats on winning the ribbons, they were both beautiful projects!! I'm only on 50 something on Clue #1, just finished downloading Clue #2 - we were away with the kids and babies and I really didnt want to work on it with Mr. T. helping me out!! Will see you later today at M1.
Congrats! I love your Monkey socks!
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