Thursday, July 26, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
One of the displays that very few people know about is in the Agricultural area and involves several of the Guilds from the Calgary area. There is a heritage cabin that is a Summer Kitchen, and volunteers demonstrate various crafts for the ten days of Stampede. This past weekend, the ladies from the Calgary Guild of Needle and Fibre Arts were demonstrating knitting, spinning, doll making and stitching.
Before I caught my bus home, I wandered over to the Creative living display in the Roundup center. (D#2 had taken pictures earlier in the week of my shawl, but the computer wouldn't let me rotate the pictures. I thought you might like to see them without having to kink your neck)
The ABC blanket won 3rd in it's category. After Tuesday, Carson can finally have his blanket!
My Hanging Garden Vine shawl won a second place ribbon. (Crappy picture but that's what happens when I take pictures through the glass) This was a last minute entry since I didn't finish the stole that I had planned to enter. I really should start now for next years competition rather than leaving it until May.
Caution - Rant Ahead
One of the highlights of the Stampede for me is going down to see the Creative Living Display. The display was much smaller this year and while the quality of the articles submitted for display is wonderful, I would like to see more entries submitted. The Committee reduced the number of entries per person to only two. The categories were also changed- a christening gown would be in the same category as an adult sweater because they were lace items. The Seniors Division was eliminated as was the Nursing Home Division. These changes were implemented to increase the quality of the entries. What it did was reduce the number of entries as many people showed their anger by not putting in anything. Without us showing our support for the Creative Living Display, I fear that it will disappear like it has in Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto. This is a part of our annual exhibition that needs to be kept.
The Creative Living Committee is a very hard working group of individuals who get very little recognition for the work they do. They spend hours throughout the year organising things for the display. From the time the entries come in at the end of June to when the are finally picked up after Stampede, the ladies on the committee are there: assisting the judges, putting up the displays, washing the fingerprints off the glass, answering questions, taking down the displays and finally returning all the entries. (One year I assisted in returning the entries and wore my pedometer. I calculated that I walked over nine miles. ) They are not the people who make the final decisions.
The Creative Arts and Craft Committee is under the Western Lifestyles Show Committee who are the people who believe that in 2007 there is no interest in Arts and Crafts.
I disagree. Many people pay their gate admission every year and the only activity they take part in is viewing the displays. To shrink the Creative Living display or to eliminate it would be a great loss to the Stampede. We don't need a Cowboy Theme park that ignores the history and heritage that was the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede.
So, what can we do? Glad you asked! Write a letter. If you saw the display and were disappointed, tell someone. Even though it is 2007, an email or a phone call won't have the same effect as a good old fashioned letter and after all, we are trying to keep something that is old fashioned but still very valuable.
Plan for next year. Knit a sweater. Stitch a picture. Bead a necklace. AND ENTER IT INTO THE STAMPEDE! Don't worry about winning a ribbon. The thrill of going down the the World Famous Calgary Stampede and seeing your article on Display in the Roundup Centre is worthy of a great big Yaahoo. You might win a ribbon and that is even better. If we don't enter, the powers that be can only believe that there is no interest. The best way to prove them wrong is by entering.
Rant over - for now
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I love this sweater pattern. It was such a fast knit. The hardest thing about finishing it was finding the perfect buttons. I'm still not sure that these truck buttons are right for the sweater but they will stay....for now. It's also my first finished Christmas present. Hooray!
We are knitting the Mystery Stole 3. I am working on clue #2 and I will be finished it before the next clue gets posted on Friday. I almost wish I had all the clues so I could continue on with it and not have to wait for each one. Sanity does return and I remember that since I'm also working on socks for Sockapalooza4, it's a good thing I can't get all the clues. It's an easy knit but I don't seem to have much knitting time lately. Maybe that's because I spend too much time planning my next project!