Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I have a whole new appreciation for people who blog every day. I now realize how difficult it is to come up with something to say everyday that someone else might find interesting.
I finished my quilt last night, but when I went to take a picture, I realized that my batteries are dead.
Today is a good day to start a new project. The lace skirt I started yesterday has been returned to it's lovely ball stage. It seems as though I have had many days that are spent ripping out what I have just knit. The "Cashmere and Pearls" knitting yesterday was knit twice since I was looking at the wrong page of the pattern. If the pattern had been charted instead of written, I could have seen much earlier that I was making a colossal mistake. It also would have helped if I had paid attention to what I was doing and followed my instincts when I thought it didn't look right!

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