Waves in the square
It was to be the never ending shawl and at times I was doubting my decision to add an extra panel on this shaw. Now that it's done, I like it but I'm thinking that I should have used darker beads.
Do other knitter's question every project that they knit? It seems as though I have have restarted every project because something wasn't quite perfect. This was not the original colour that I picked for this shawl. It was going to be green, but I thought I might run out of yarn. I would have had enough but I will probably get more wear out of a blue jean coloured shawl.
Sivia Harding Pattern
Malibrigo lace weight - 3 skains

These are my Baudelaire socks. I started them in the red but then decided that the toe should have been 12 stitches to start rather than 8. So I started them again in the plum colour. I was past the heel when I tried them on and decided that if I wanted to wear them I would be folding the toe over in my shoes. Ripped them back, and I think they will fit this time. But I really like the other colour better and so I've started it a second time. By my calculations, I will have knit six socks in order to get one pair!

This is the second start to my endpaper mitts. The first colour I tried was the Plum colour that is now in the above sock. The pattern didn't show up enough for my liking and.....rip....and cast on again.
On a positive note, because of all this ripping out and casting on, I now have the figure-8 cast on and the Italian Tubular cast-on figured out.
.....and the two mystery stoles that are hibernating may just have to sit in the "Bad Knitting Basket" for a bit longer until I decide how to change the patterns.